Library Cards
Release time:2017-05-27 Number of hits:1740

The library card (the campus card) or the short-term library card is your valid identification to borrow books and to access the library resources. It can be used only for yourself.


How to get a library card (the campus card) and a short-term library card?

1.New undergraduatesnew postgraduates and new doctoral students get their university ID card when they enter South China Agricultural University.

2.New Faculty and postdoctoral researchers may receive borrowing privileges by bringing their university ID card to the library card office to be registered for privileges.

3.Extension master studentsstudents in teach oneself class and students who take further training class for more than one year, may register for a short-term library at the library card office.


The library card (the campus card) loss reporting

If the user loses the library card, he should report it immediately to where the card is issued to deactivate them and prevent from being used by someone else by using the student's identity card or the employee's certificate. The user will be responsible for any misuse of the card during the period that the loss is not reported.


The replacement for lost card

Replacement can be obtained from the University ID Card Center. Then user should apply for book borrowing authority at the library card officethe main hall of the library.


Library card of the six universities

The library card of the six universities which can be used for book borrowing in South China University of Technology LibrarySouth China Normal University LibraryJiNan University libraryGuangDong University of Technology LibraryGuangDong Polytechnic Normal University Library and South China Agricultural University library.

Teachers Doctoral studentsThey can apply for the library card of the six universities at the library card office. They can borrow 3 books for 30 days from the other 5 university libraries. The materials are required as follow

The campus card

A one-square-inch photo without hat

Flat cost: 5.00 Yuan

PostgraduatesJunior and Senior studentsThey can apply for the library card of the six universities which allow them to read at the 5 university libraries. For Junior and Senior students, the monitor who is in each class can register for three collective library cards. The materials are required as follow

The campus card

A one-square-inch photo without hat 

Flat cost: 5.00 Yuan